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  • Writer's pictureJessica Barker

A change of Course

This title is quite literally the case. I've decided to keep animation as a hobby. I'm not a fan of the industry and its lack of union for the workers. Unpaid overtime is often common ground and I just don't agree with it. After leaving the studio, I took a little break helping out a family with their petting zoo. Surprisingly, it was the most rewarding job I've ever been to. One day I just woke up and made the decision to pursue a career that will give me the tools and skills to physically take action and help animals.

For now, I am sitting and saving until I can just pay for a vet course and step foot in the industry. I have huge plans starting with learning and donating my skills to sanctuaries around the world. I eventually want to build a sanctuary for animals that sustains itself and doesn't compete with other shelters. How will I do this? By making it an interactive learning center for families. One of the problems faced in this industry is the lack of space and shelter available to nurture high volumes of animals. By establishing another space with kennels, I can help take in and foster animals to give space to ones that need special attention most. Making the experience interactive will benefit the educating of the public as well as the socializing of the animals to increase their chances of being adopted.

So yeah, off to a fresh start. I'm in a new city right on the lake gathering funds to pursue what really sets my soul on fire.

With Halloween around the corner, I've been poking at a costume project, here's a work in progress of my dark druid.

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